Sunday, December 04, 2005

You know... I hit one of those points where self preservation kicks in and the bullshit in life gets filtered out. I got lucky. I had a couple good tattoos that made my mind focus on nothing but the project at hand. I knew I had a roller coaster ride coming. Damn I hate being right all the time.... yeah sure. I had some people basically ask me if it was worth it... anyone reading this shit knows my stance. I started putting some serious thought to it.. and yeah...I would really dig having one of those perfect world scenarios. It would be great..for a couple months... and then I'd get so board I'd destroy it.. or she would. At least that's my assumption. One way or another. I'm an artist. Not a technician. I find symbolism in everything. I see beauty in the darkest places of the soul, and evil in the happiest places in life. Nothing is ever as it seems. Ever. �This too shall pass� At the best of times and the worst of times. It's all going to go away. I've noticed... I need something to be wrong... or hard... or a little off. But I only want it when I have a pencil in my hand and a fresh sketch book. Pain is a fantastic vehicle which artist use as fuel. As I look over the computer I see a clipping from a news paper. It says �TO BE AVERAGE SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME� -Dick Seeger. That sums a bunch of it up. Perceived
fear... drives emotional fear... which transforms into physical fear... and it perpetuates and spirals and rises and falls. The roller coaster. Shear terror and pleasure mixed into the basic life. And somewhere in there a piece of art is created which most will not understand... and fewer will care about. I can't believe today was a good day.

(c) Come N Thru Productions

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