Friday, October 21, 2005

I Hate being wrong.... I fucking hate it. Faith in humanity is a lost cause. You live your life by certain principles... certain truths.... you think the sky is always going to be blue. That water will always be wet. That no matter what, some things are solid. I fuck this up all the time. Numbers, faces, places. Fuck it. Fuck it all. Some things are better left on the other side.... the dark side. We try and pull them into the light, kicking and screaming, with the arrogance to think it was ever our choice to begin with. And then we have the nerve to watch the fish flopping around on the boat and wonder why it isn't happy being under the warmth of the sun. Damn it. Up is never up. Right is never right. And "perfect" is just a myth thats beaten into us to make the fall down the mountain that much more of a disappointment. I've never felt so far away from someone as when I'm sitting right next to them. And the disintegration of time is falling on the deaf ears of the betrayed chefs, who's primary dish is always served cold. It slops over the side of the bowl, destroying the precious fabric of hearts, minds, and souls. Today will never come again. The next is being assembled on a production line somewhere on a little green marble that is flying into the onyx where we scream in silence

(c) Come N Thru Productions

1 comment:

IdFungus said...

I wanna meet the prick that fucked you up.

- Id