Monday, March 28, 2005

Dad managed a factory outlet mall on the border of Nevada and Cali a few years back. As a result he gave some space to a tiger rescue group. Big Cats of the world or something like that. This is him getting a kiss from one of his friends. It was cool being in the cage with these guys. I quickly found out that the big ones are a lot easier to handle then the cubs. I walked a few of them and it was amazing to being that close to something so powerful. i remember thinking while walking one of the big girls "If this chick decides to take me down, there's not a damn thing I could do about it". I gave dad a tiger tattoo in which I used his favorite tiger, "Titan" as a model. He was the biggest of the whole group and would actually jump up and down when my father walked in. Too Cool.
(c) Come N Thru Productions

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