Wednesday, August 02, 2006

There was a TV series called "Firefly" and one of the characters was named "Shepard Book". He was the spiritual leader of the Starship Serenity. One of the quotes I most loved from that show is when Book tells Mal, the captain, that if he takes advantage of another character in the series, he was going to burn in "A special hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater". Well long story short... a few scenes later Mal is being seduced by the other character, and in a final mumble before they kiss. Mal manages to get out "I'm going to the special hell". Here's where I come in..... last night.... I said "I'm going to the special hell" a lot. And I still haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face. Unlucky number my ass. You know I pumped $1700 into "Angel", my motorcycle.... and last night....I think it was one of the best investments I've made. And on another side note.... was there a meteor shower on Aug first or what..... I think I lost count at 11 shooting stars... hmmmmm.

(c) Come N Thru Productions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely loved Firefly. As my favorite TV series ever.

See, not so old anymore?
