Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Someone once told me that one of the definitions of insanity was try the same action over and over again and expecting different results. So I guess insanity and confusion are once again running amok. I find myself squinting a lot.... brow creased.... with nothing but questions. I'm not sure why some of the things that have come up this last week have made me feel this way... I guess it must be the insanity. I'd love to go into greater detail, but some things I just don't know how to put into words. One thing that I can kind of write about is.... well..... the question why do I need to find out things about relationships that are waaaaaaaayyyyyyy over. I'm talking years. And why does it still make my skin crawl and that weird funny numb thing to happen in my stomach and legs. I just don't understand... and that's not necessarily a bad thing... but it's still one of those little parts of life I'd like to figure out . It doesn't help that 13 and I are once again speaking.... and tattooing if you've checked out my tat site.
Things are getting strange... thank god I have Vegas next week. I need some life and relaxation.... time to get centered

(c) Come N Thru Productions

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