Sunday, April 17, 2005

Hand stamps. I can't belive how much I've changed. I used to love going to the clubs alone. You know... go where the night takes you... whatever. Now I'm like... fuck this. The only plus I have is that I drink cheap. All my drinks were comped last night. Guess they thought I was a D.D. I still tip though. Of course. I think the other issue I have is I always look like a bouncer up here. I'm always one of the tallest people in the room... which is good for me... but few people will look you in the eye. And I've grown to dislike drunk men. When they get their fucking testostorne going... awww shit. Smelly dumb fucks. I thought I was going to get in trouble once or twice last night. I can't belive I was one of them... only worse. I think I'm going to try and avoid going out alone from now on.
(c) Come N Thru Productions

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