I got bumped from my flight from Onterio so I had one more night in the Springs. I tried to get a hold of one of Kevins friends to put a dragon on his arm. I wasn't able to do it the night before because the peice he wanted was to complicated for a turn and burn session. But with a no go one that I decided the force was with me and I'd watch Star Wars on opening night. I Fandangoed a couple tickets for me and mom and checked it out. I've now seen the last three episodes on opening days in three difffertent states. For episode 1 i ditched out on community service and watch it in Vail at the Cascade Theater. Episode 2 was at Sams Town in Las Vegas. And now Episode 3 in Palms Spring at the River Theater. If you haven't seen SW3 yet go. It was the movie that fans have been waiting for since the annoucement of episode 1. I've seen it twice so far... and more then likely I see it one more time before it leaves the theater. Now in production is the television series.... so keep your eyes open. If the final three episodes are ever made it'll be awesome. The storyline goes like this... Luke is turned to the darkside... the emperor was cloned.. Leigha has twins who reform the Jedi school and counsel... I hope someone does it befor I croak. I love this story.
(c) Come N Thru Productions
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