Sunday, September 28, 2008

Granny.... Listening to the new bail out bill... Gotta love her =)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Granny and dad are in town for a few days. I haven't sen gran in over a year. That sucked.... But i'm so happy to see her now. This is her roll.... She hates pictures

This is our planning meeting for the new shop.... Also called dinner

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm taking the day off. Or at least that was the idea. Days off really aren't days off right now. My to do list is pretty big. I'm sitting here At Alamo Carwash waiting for clairs rav 4 to be cleaned. I dropped her off at work and hijacked 4 wheels for the day. It was just a little easier then taking angel (my motorcycle). From here I need to go to the Then call soph to try and arrange a coffee.... Head home... Work on a floor plan for the new shop... Finish the custom art for clairs tire cover... Get a web page designed for Water the plants... Feed the cat... And more and more and more... Everything else is cool. Clair is so great.... I'll elaborate on that later. I think dad and granny are coming into town today. Can't wait to see granny. It's been forever.. Car's ready... Gotta go. How much do I tip? Shit.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just another day in pair-a-dice. I'm waiting for a call from the bank. I'm shooting for a loan so we can move to shop to a bigger space. I dig the salon, but I've hit a ceiling on space. It's too small to have as many people as we've been having. I start getting claustrophobic... And as a result... Grouchy. God.... I really hope I get this loan. I'm taking tomorrow off and drawing up some blueprints. Fun.... Scary... Seems like just a year ago I was going thru the same thing. =)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today was our two year anniversary. Very cool. We got messages and facials. It was awesome... Now we're sore as hell. We're curled up on the couch watching terminator the sarah conner cronicles. So great. We grabbed a bite at 3 tomatoes and a mozerella. We were a little too sore for going to the belliago to check out the fountains. Another day. Today was amazing. God I love my girl friend.

Monday, September 08, 2008

BRONCOS! 17-0 almost halftime. God I love beating the raiders.. Just awesome

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sad day. Clair and I were going to go to the Young Dubliners concert tonight... One problem... It turned out to be a 21 and over show. I'm bummed. Clairs bummed. We're sitting at the house... Clairs playing world of warcraft... And I'm blogging. Woo-hoo for a day off. I need to draw a couple things... But I really need to get some of the business things. Here's the catch up on life... The shop is going good. I'm making enough to pay the bills... Problem is I have a pretty big principal to pay down. Solution.... Bigger shop. Less rent. More workers. More incomes. I'll fill in the rest of the happenings soon... I got to get some nicotine. I know I can smoke and blog now... I'm just not 100% with this yet. By the way.. I added the 'mail mother' ringtone from Eurotrip to my phone... Now every time I get an email or text message.... Ding ding 'MAIL MOTHERFUCKER'!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

I'm sitting out back of the salon.... Sweating my ass off. My phone says it 99 degrees but it feels like 120. I bought a pack of camel crushes last night. Kind of crazy. They have a little ball down in the filter that you pop with your finger. It makes a regular cigarette into a menthol. Kind of like a mint after a meal. Still not sure how I feel about em.
I guess I'm just bullshitting cause I want to see if this blog from my phone thing will work. Hmmm...fingers crossed.

Friday, September 05, 2008


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brandon Combs <>
Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:56 PM

So i'm trying something new. Mobile phone blogging. I got a new phone... At&t tilt. This thing kicks ass. As a result I thought it would be a good idea to try out updating my blog from it. These are my test runs. Btw.... The dark knight was awesome... Hence my pics.



K. . . I'm try to figure out how to blog from my phone. Hope this works.

Try this one

Yup... Pain in da ass

Lets see if this works