Friday, August 25, 2006
Still working on her nickname..... more to come dear readers..... gotta love a good "plot thickens" kind of thing
(c) Come N Thru Productions
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Well... This week kinda kicked my ass... and most of the women in my life ass for that matter. I went to court twice with Special K. All bullshit... but we got it worked out. I actually got to talk to a judge on someone behalf...woo-hoo! I explained that I was a tattoo artist, but before he thru a stereotype on me, I explained that was a 4.5 year sober, chip carrying member of AA. Plus my former profession was an adolescent drug & alcohol rehab counselor... I think he took me a little more seriously after that.
The headliner of the week of course goes to Jenn 13. I'm not going to get specific with her business... so I'll just say that things went as well ass they could. She goes in for a consultation this Tuesday and then back in for more surgery the following Tuesday. I'm finding my thoughts running back to her time and time again during the day. Thank you to everyone sending your well wishes and prayers. They are truly appreciated and felt. (c) Come N Thru Productions
Monday, August 14, 2006
All my thoughts and prayers are going out to Jenn 13 today....Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the hour of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil, May God restrain him we humbly pray and do Thou O Prince of the Heavenly Court, by the Power of God cast into hell, satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
(c) Come N Thru Productions
Sunday, August 13, 2006
So this is my new jacket..... I've fallen in love with riding my motorcycly again. The free feeling is just so amazing.... great way to clear your head too. Craig and I have been riding a lot togeather. It awesome to ride with someone too. The last time I did that.... we cruised the Vegas strip.... watched 2 chicks flash their boobs from the top of a limo.... and I hit a dog, but didn't go down. Riding with Craig.... 1000 times better.... except for the boob part. Can't wait to get him to Vegas with our girlz
(c) Come N Thru Productions
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
There was a TV series called "Firefly" and one of the characters was named "Shepard Book". He was the spiritual leader of the Starship Serenity. One of the quotes I most loved from that show is when Book tells Mal, the captain, that if he takes advantage of another character in the series, he was going to burn in "A special hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater". Well long story short... a few scenes later Mal is being seduced by the other character, and in a final mumble before they kiss. Mal manages to get out "I'm going to the special hell". Here's where I come in..... last night.... I said "I'm going to the special hell" a lot. And I still haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face. Unlucky number my ass. You know I pumped $1700 into "Angel", my motorcycle.... and last night....I think it was one of the best investments I've made. And on another side note.... was there a meteor shower on Aug first or what..... I think I lost count at 11 shooting stars... hmmmmm.
(c) Come N Thru Productions
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